Library Rules

date: 2019-08-27 10:04

All users should abide by the following rules in library:

1. Be quiet in all library areas.

2. Silence your cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices when in Library.

3. Limit your cell phone conversations as short and low voice as possible.

4. No writing in, underlining, highlighting or otherwise damaging library books.

5. No-smoking in Library.

6. Wearing appropriate clothing and shoes

7. Do not take photographs without permissions.

8. Do not use library space for political or religious activities.

9. No actions are permitted that are illegal or dangerous.

10. Snacks and meals are not permitted in Library. Non-alcoholic drinks in covered containers are permitted in Library.

11. Please clean up and dispose of all wastes in a waste bin when you leave.

12. Users who do not comply with the Rules as above will be asked to leave the Library

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PostCode: 271018 Address: Daizong Road No.61,Taian,Shandong,China